The musketeer mouldmaking has hit a delay I'm very Sorry to say 🥲
Due to unexpected damage in transit some have had had to be reworked. They are off for moulding now - fingers crossed 🤞
That would be a delay of 10-14 days but as I am on Grandpa duties mid March - realistically the FullFoot Regimental deals won't be ready until Early April.
As a result I'll be offering a really good introductory deal for 24 man and 36 man units..., so watch this space!

In the meantime, following some chat on FB, it seems people would like some imposing Cuirassiers in helms... Sooo, I've been beefing up my Horses to carry some heavily Armoured Kurassiers. If there is sufficient interest they'll go into limited production.

More Anon
All comments welcomed 😉
Cheers for now